During Russian-Caucasian War Tsar’s Russia did use not just ground forces but also Navy. Tsarism considered blockade of Adyghe (Circassian) sea coast as one of the main measures to conquest the Circassia, thus Russians wanted to stop any kind of connection Adyghe people with the rest world. The active role to fulfil it had assigned to Russian Navy.
From the 1830 year along the eastern coast of Black Sea had patrolled especial Russian squadron named “Abkhazian expedition”. Battle cruisers did not allow to sail for commercial European and Turkish vessels towards Circassian coast. And on the other hand Tsar’s navy fought along the Black Sea coast of Northern Caucasus by landing numerous ground troops. They were occupying the most important places in strategic military meaning. In 1837-1839 years with the Navy’s assistance had been founded such military forts as: Saint Doukh on the Adler cape, Velyaminovskoye on the mouth of Tuapse River, Tenginskoye on the Shapsugh River, Novorossiysk in the Sudjoukh bight, Navaginskoye on the Sochi River, Golovinskoye on the Shakhe River, Lazarevskoye on the mouth of Psishuapa River. ©www.heku.ru A.Y.CHIRG, Krasnodar, Institute of the Culture.Circassian Navy during Russian-Caucasian War
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