If Adygheans (Circassians) wasn’t forced to live this inhumane exile and genocide, today the Adyghean population in the Caucasus would be more than 18 millions. According to F.Kanits’s, a German scientist and ethnographer, writings 1300 Circassians out of 2100, lost their lives in the sea while they were taken from Ottoman Empire to Cyprus.
It was such a disaster that if you followed the dead bodies on the sea, you could easily find out the course of the ship. Only 7.000 Adygheans out of 22.000 survived who disembarked to Batum region and were settled there. At the same time only 100 Adygheans survived from out of another 30.000 group and they were settled to Samsun region. ©www.heku.ru Halim Hambet, KBR State University, NalchikBrief Information About 1864 Circassian Exile
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